Thursday, June 28, 2007

Portrait of the City Exhibit by the National Book Development Board and the Filipinas Heritage Library

Cecil Ingusan of the Filipinas Heritage Library posted this in one of the MLs I'm in.

We're inviting everyone to the Portrait of the City Exhibit by the National Book Development Board and the Filipinas Heritage Library.  It's an exhibit and tour of Metro Manila as depicted in the stories, poems, and essays of our local writers, like Nick Joaquin, Jose F. Lacaba, and Gilda Cordero-Fernando, who looked beyond the concrete paths and walls and saw stories and poetry. Please feel free to forward to your friends and colleagues.

For more info, please call 892-1801.

Thank you very much.  

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Back to the house that love built

Yup, it's true. I'm bringin' sexy back. :D


I'm now teaching 160 and 260 series subjects again at the School of Library and Information Studies (formerly Institute of Library Science and later Institute of Library and Information Science).

To kick things off, I was one of the speakers at the SLIS welcome program held last June 12, 2007. Emang and I talked about career and employment opportunities, both in and out of libraries and information centers. (Sorry Emang, wasn't able to take phone pics of the two of us. O_o;; I still believe that you and Clair should start teaching so you could share your knowledge.)

There were speeches from the admin, faculty, library and the different UPSLIS orgs (UPLISSA and UP FLIPP) as well as the oath-taking of the new officers of the UP SLIS student council. 

UP SLIS Welcome Program
June 12, 2007

Generated by Flickr Album Maker

I was away from full time teaching for 7 years (5 years only if you count part time subjects until 2002). So chances are there'll be more tech, teaching and db stuff here.

It's nice to be back home. :D

UP SLIS welcome program June 2007


UP SLIS welcome program, June 12, 2007.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Foam Nunchucks / Foamchucks and Monkeyfist Fire Nunchucks / Firechucks

Practice Freestyle Foam Nunchucks / Foamchucks

1 and 2. materials: PVC pipe, cord, saw, bicycle handlebar foam, soldering iron.
3. Saw 2 pcs PVC pice into 2 rods (desired length).

4. Using soldering iron, punch 4 holes on top of each rod (2 holes each side). This is where cord will be tied.
5. Slide on the foam cylnders and tie cord (desired length). Cord tie reference:
6. Slide foam to cover holes.

Monkeyfist Freestyle Fire Nunchucks / Firechucks

Home of Poi's
Monkeyfist Firechucks

1. Materials: Aluminum rods (thin or thick), steel nail or drill, metal file, screwdriver, pliers, small nuts and bolts, chain (desired length), 2 extra chain links, 6 or more meters of cotton rope (length depends on rope thickness, better option would be kevlar rope for longer burns).
2. Saw 2 aluminum rods to desired length. Punch 2 holes on each end of the rod (all / both ends) with steel nail or drill (support aluminum by placing metal core when hammering to prevent deforming).
3 and 4. Attach the two rods to each other via chain with nuts and bolts. Cut excess bolt length and finish off as illustrated in SativaDust's (file off excess sharp metal to prevent skin cuts).
5. Attach the extra chain links to each of the bottom ends of the rods using the same process. These will serve as the anchors where the monkeyfists will be attached.
6. Tie the rope to the chainlink with simple knot. This will serve as the core of the monkeyfist.
7. Start forming the monkeyfist knot as illustrated in Home of Poi's
8 and 9. I use extra rods to maintain the form of the knots at different stages of the knot-tying process. Makes the tying easier.
10.  I also use a screwdriver to insert the rope towards the end of knot-tying when the loops are smaller. I also use pliers when pulling the knot tigher.
11. The monkey fist looks like a volleyball with six-sides. Modification of the monkeyfist knot made by situating the anchor in the middle of one of the sides instead of between three sides. (I think of it as dice. I situate the rod where the "One" dot is located instead of the corner of the dice where three sides meet.)
12. Monkey fist knot before tightening.
13. Tightened monkey fist knot.
14. Finished monkeyfist firechucks below prototype with braided cotton wick.

Note: May work on torches, jo and bo firestaffs as well. (I'm actually poofed after making this. Pulling the knots tight is tiring.)

Poi and Capoeira

Just hanging out with the guys of A-Poi and Grupo de Accion Capoeira. Saturday, June 9, 2007, UP Sunken Garden.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Poi and Capoeira

Just hanging out with the guys of A-Poi and Grupo de Accion Capoeira. Saturday, June 9, 2007, UP Sunken Garden.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Progress Vid 001 - Continuous Wristspins (Back)

Crappy webcam vid only. Just charting move progress since I joined Front to back, check. Back to front, check. Couldn't do continuous wristspins (front - back - back - back) with the newer and longer chucks, whether cord, fixed chain or ballbearing chain. I went back to my oldest and heavy fixed chain chucks with shorter rods and chain. Surprise! It works. So now I have to figure out if I have to decrease chain and cord length on the other chucks. O_o;; Back to practice. (I forgot to practice the left hand.)

Continuous Wristspins (Back)

Crappy webcam vid only. Just charting move progress since I joined Front to back, check. Back to front, check. Couldn't do continuous wristspins (front - back - back - back) with the newer and longer chucks, whether cord, fixed chain or ballbearing chain. I went back to my oldest and heavy fixed chain chucks with shorter rods and chain. Surprise! It works. So now I have to figure out if I have to decrease chain and cord length on the other chucks. O_o;; Back to practice. (I forgot to practice the left hand.)

My Nunchucks

Nunchucks (chako) in my weapons collection. The topmost short ones are 25 years old and given to me by my dad who taught me a few strikes. The long ones in t...