Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ondoy Library Damage / Status Report
Ondoy Lib Damage, Googledocs. Anyone can update. Might be helpful for anyone doing a study in the future.


  1. I was wondering about the Main Lib. The archives and special collections are on higher floors but we all know how the ceilings could leak. And what about "Bulwagan ng Dangal"? Ironically we just had 2 presentations on risk management and disaster management this sem. Emang must have her hands full.

  2. The main library building is ok. It's located high enough and the area was not flooded and the leaks were also minimal. But there was some commotion Saturday AM when a janitor noticed smoke near the Social Sciences Section - an outlet burst out flames and the wooden shelf (luckily empty) was beginning to burn. Naagad naman so no disaster occurred.

  3. Ayun. Thanks ma'am. Rumor mill was that a shelf WITH books burned.
