Saturday, February 16, 2008

Do you know who Joshua Baclagon is?

Got this in my email....


Dear joshua baclagon,

Welcome to the imeem network! To complete the sign-up process, please click on the link below to verify your email address:

{imeem link}

If the above link does not work, you can manually enter your verification code at the following link:

{imeem link}

Verification code is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The imeem team

You received this email because you have signed up for an imeem account. You can reach imeem at 660 4th St. Box 155 / San Francisco, CA 94107


So, he entered my email when signing up for imeem.
I mean... WTF?!?
Dude, libre ang email.
Get one.

So as of now may imeem account na tuloy ako, inangkin ko na. Hehehe. O_o;;