Monday, August 13, 2007


Happy birthday to me...
Happy birthday to me...

a comic strip!
I was on my way to Kris and Moira's wedding when I saw Puti aka Muning aka Whitey in front of the Main Library. Waiting for a mouse? O_o;;

So anyway, my birthdays are probably getting weirder by the year. I got some useful stuff from my mom, sister and nephews. I also got stuff for myself. Something for the martial artist in me, something for the inner geek in me, and something for the skill freak in me.


I got myself a pair of ball-bearing nunchucks. I bought these the day I bought the stationary bike at Toby's for the house. They had a pile of nunchucks in their martial arts section and I think I surprised the cashier and the manager when I said I'd like to add the two nunchucks. I think I scared them when I said I'd like to test them before they punch it in (hey, I have to be sure the balance is okay and that the swing / rotation is sweet). I think I awed them a bit when I did flips and rotations. I assume they usually see guys only do swings and transfers. Anyway, I love these guys to death.

I also bought an 80Gb hard disk and an enclosure for the increasing number of files I generate. And lastly...

Yup. It's a unicycle. A new skill / circus toy for me to learn. And I know it's gonna hurt really bad trying to learn this one-wheeled wonder. O_o;; I already fell about a dozen times last weekend just trying to balance myself.