Saturday, August 18, 2007

When "Haterz" Meet Parents

A storm is brewing in
No, it's not a typhoon of the 'Egay' variety, it's probably worse. is full of them. People come in and post hateful, insulting and degrading comments on an item even if they can't measure up to nor understand the talents or capabilities of those in the video. Same goes for anything on the net with a commenting feature. People come in and post hateful and degrading comments even though they don't have a full grasp of the subject matter or the situation at hand. These netizens are usually called "Haterz". As opposed to "Trolls" and "Baiters" ( definitions), haterz contribute nothing to the original discussion and comments really just radiate of negativity (at least in some circles trolls take on the form of a devil's advocate and make you think despite the discord they sow).

The Urban Dictionary definitions of haterz describe them as "...those jealous of success" and "Someone who dislikes others and thinks they're better than them.".

A You-tube vid defining haterz entitled "The Definition of a Hater" describes them as those who:

"...DON'T WANT TO GET ALONG and they hate because they have nothing better to do, then they call (you) stupid or idiot because you express your opinion!"

I really don't know if angst, age, anonymity and wide reach of the internet are major factors in haterz culture. Some pinpoint teenagers as the main component of the haterz population. But then again there are some haterz who are way beyond their teens. Maybe it's really just the person behind the post. That I believe.

Anyway, kidsahoy has an ongoing photo contest. Along came two college QC "katips" college students who were trying to dissipate the boredom of a long, rainy weekend by taking the role of haterz. They started on a mini-rampage of "that kid's going to grow up to be a camwhore", "such a loser" and "so stupid" -like comments on member-posted photos. Okay, so it's just a couple of comments compared to spamming, but HECK! The response those few comments generated (this post is proof of that) is widespread! It's tantamount to saying "JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE SUCKS" on JT's official myspace and on his own website.

Net Lesson learned No. 1:
Thou shalt not diss kids to their parents' faces.
Else thou shalt face the wrath of mommies and daddies.

Wytbloke and deniseyoggie's posts drew the ire of the community (see links below for comments, responses, and reactions, note: some have been removed already and new ones are being posted since it's a very active topic). Repartee like this may be okay for generally unmoderated and loose community postings like those on youtube or yahoo videos, but to post something like this within a community site of parents, who are teaching their children the importance of good values, is definitely a death wish. One of the posters' schoolmates gave them a dressing down. I guess other than pissed-off parents, it also takes one of your own to put things in perspective for you (common environment, good intentions and all. Kudos to you, btw).

A common reaction would be a flood of flaming on the offenders' multiply accounts, but that didn't happen since everyone agreed it would be tantamount to lowering themselves to the haterz' levels. And these are parents so you really wouldn't expect them to stoop low.

Net Lesson learned No. 2
(to paraphrase the common sentiment
of those who follow the issue):
Thou shalt think first before posting.
Then thou shalt think again before posting just to be sure.

Anyway, the posters' multiply accounts have already been blocked (from posting at kidsahoy) and their actions even reported to their school authorities (conduct unbecoming of a student of the institution, I bet they didn't see that one coming). They have since posted apologies, though some community members deem it too late.

Net Lesson learned No. 3:
Hell hath no fury like a parent pissed off.


(Personal Gorilla Note: Had they done that to my pamangkins' photos, I'd have gone to their school, slammed them against every wall in Katipunan and ripped their heads off. Tito-Ninong lang ako, hindi parent. Of course I jest. Or do I? Uh, oh. Am I turning into a haterz? LOL.:D)

1 comment:

  1. Amen, bro! Am I glad I haven't submitted Gio and Enzo's pics yet to the photo contest during that time the incident happened. Otherwise, I might be bailing you out from jail by now! LOL
