Sunday, November 18, 2007

FlipSpin Blue Saturday

I miss regularly spending my Saturday afternoons with "FlipSpin: yoyo komunidad", the premier yoyoing community of the Philippines. Since I started teaching again (and with the manga load too), I've missed a lot of club meets. The last time I was able to hang out with the guys was last November 3, 2007, a few days before the semester started.

I've been with the group for 4 years (since 2004). A lot of things change and a lot don't. Guys come and go, a lot of guys stay. The kids we used to hang out with are now taller than a lot of us. O_o;;

Yeah,, our website is down. (So is Too much traffic.

I realized that I also haven't posted any vid of me playing with skilltoys (yoyos, diabolos and spintops). I'm in the vid somewhere. O_o;;

(Thel, if you get to read this and watch the vid, you'll realize why I say the things they do in that Auldey Blazing Teens TV show are easy.)

Youtube link here.