Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Day, Another Monkey

Pest control guys were spraying anti-termite stuff at the house so I went to SM Southmall for some R&R.

Got myself some candles for my potpourri oil burners at the boarding house as well as incense for my room here down south. Also had to replenish my DVD-Rs and CD-Rs supply. Hmmm. Seems the CDR King here at SM Southmall is doing a Mercury Drug with "get-your-number" queued service.

Seems okay, except for the fact that there's only one cashier for all the faster service attendants. Can you say bottleneck?

And... This may seem redundant... Guess who came home with me from Tom's World? Another day, another monkey. Different color though. Still have to get the pink colored one to complete my collection.