Sunday, May 17, 2009

You learn something new each day...

I've heard and read about them yet never had the chance to actually see or access one: Toshiba laptops' easy access to hard drives. Had to recover files from my sister and brother-in-law's Toshiba TE2100. I thought I was in for a long tear-down... But, no... All I had to do was remove a screw, pop a small dedicated drive panel, pull, and viola! Out comes the old 30GB 2.5 in. HD.

You learn something new each day...


  1. Pretty much the same kind of hard drive compartment for my laptop, although it's not a Compaq. Parang trip ko na rin tuloy mag-upgrade ng HDD :)

  2. Tried the pricey Solid State ones yet?
    Me no moolah. :(
